
City of Memphis Stormwater Program Management

ABES Engineering is a program management partner for the Memphis Stormwater Quantity and Quality program that aims to alleviate flood-related issues. This is done by studying large drainage areas and developing solutions that fully consider the impact on surrounding communities. In addition to reviewing the modeling and master planning reports developed by other consultants, ABES is also managing the development of the asset management system and the integrated planning process, helping to prioritize capital project implementation, and managing the design of sub-consultants.


Other projects under the Memphis Stormwater Quality and Quantity (MSQ2)

  • Falcon Park Regional Detention And Watershed Study

  • The Links At Whitehaven Regional Detention And Watershed Study
  • Canary Lane Land Donation Regional Detention And Watershed Study
  • Allen Basin Food Inundation Study

  • Trudy/Ridgemont Channel Modification Analysis And Design

  • Rhodes College Watershed, Storm Sewer Design And Flood Inundation Study

  • Southwest Drive-In Watershed Study

  • Todd Creek Watershed Regional Detention And Watershed Study (Mba)

  • Peach To Lawrence Watershed And Storm Sewer System Design

  • Freedom Prep Regional Detention And Flood Inundation Study

  • Msq2 Basin Study Management

Charles Bartlett Rd. Culvert Replacement

ABES performed hydrology and hydraulic studies for the Charles Bartlett Road Culvert Replacement Project. The scope of work includes identifying the drainage area and calculating the design flows utilizing the USGS regression equation method. ABES used HY-8 inlet configuration and nomograph. A reinforced concrete box culvert was appropriately sized and constructed to handle the designed flow for a 50-year return period. Revisions to the design plans were reviewed and approved by the County before the finalization of the project.

Shelby County Government Stormwater Projects

Shelby County Government Stormwater Projects

The Shelby County Engineering Department retained ABES Engineering to provide hydraulic analysis and evaluation of the existing stormwater system in the Northknoll Subdivision of Shelby County. ABES acquired LiDAR terrain data to perform watershed analysis in Civil 3D to determine the total offsite tributary area conveying runoff from upstream to the subdivision. ABES evaluated and designed stormwater collection improvements such as a runoff interception channel along the north boundary of the subdivision with a storm sewer crossing outfall under Sledge Road. ABES performed all required hydrologic and hydraulic calculations for the project design. ABES delivered professional engineer-stamped construction documents and a drainage summary report to the County as deliverables.

City of Memphis Construction Inspection Projects

Stromwater Management

ABES Engineering is a key team member for the City of Memphis Stormwater Management Program. The stormwater quality and quantity data collection is an approximate four- to eight-year program undertaken to help evaluate the condition of stormwater infrastructures and collect data to build a GIS database for the City of Memphis. The program involves mapping the location of inlets and storm drains, and pipe connections; measuring and recording the sizes and elevations of the stormwater structures; and checking the condition of inlets and pipes throughout the City of Memphis. The team consists of two to four people collecting data and assessing the infrastructure conditions depending on the volume of traffic. The team members have a level 1 TDEC certificate, 10 hours OSHA, and flagman certificates, all trained in working alongside traffic.We have collected a total of 76,153 structure data wherein 450 of those have their conditions assessed.