
Stormwater management is a critical component in protecting our communities’ water supplies. Done effectively, it prevents erosion, preserves ecosystems, and reduces pollution — protecting our water sources.

ABES analyzes and designs stormwater structures to meet all quality standards with an aim to exceed client expectations. Our team has extensive experience with stormwater projects and is committed to serving our clients and the community.

ABES stormwater services include stormwater program management, storm sewer design, channel design, stormwater pump station design, drainage and stormwater management, hydrologic and hydraulic studies, flood plain studies, and erosion and sediment control.

Stormwater Service - ABES Engineering


  • Hydrology and hydraulic studies for culvert and bridge replacement
  • Quality assurance/quality control for stormwater modeling, mapping, and analysis for the City of Memphis
  • EPA SWMM modeling for City of Memphis stormwater basin management program providing flood inundation delineations, building finished floor overtopping analysis, roadway overtopping analysis, new detention ponds, channel conveyance and culvert designs
  • Managing the development of the asset management system and the integrated planning process, helping to prioritize capital project implementation, and managing the design of sub-consultants
  • Provided Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) models to determine floodplain inundation boundaries.


  • 2D hydraulic and flood modeling
  • 1D/2D connected modeling
  • Rain-on-grid capability
  • Neighborhood flooding issue studies
  • Base flood determinations
  • Elevation certificates
  • Floodway determinations
  • Map revisions
  • Detention pond design
  • Bridge hydraulic modeling
  • Reservoir routing studies