Orange Mound

As part of the Accelerate Memphis Program, ABES Engineering studied and designed the revitalization of Park Avenue from Lamar Avenue to Semmes Street in the historic Orange Mound neighborhood of Memphis. ABES coordinated with the Memphis Area Transit Authority to relocate and improve bus stops along the corridor and the Tennessee Department of Transportation to ensure the proposed work was synchronized with a TDOT project in the area.
Infrastructure improvement of the corridor’s collections systems and other activities included planning, hydraulic analysis of the existing stormwater system consisting of small diameter (<24”) reinforced concrete pipe and designing new connections to accommodate the project improvements along the 1.5-mile long corridor, street paving, signing and striping, bus stops, right-of-way acquisition identification, and traffic control.
City of Memphis Repaving/Striping/
Signing Project
ABES was selected by the City of Memphis to provide existing and proposed Pavement Marking and Signing plans for different road segments. The design of these plans utilized aerial photography and field verifications to show existing pavement markings, signs, curb lines, curb ramps, pavement widths, and utility light poles. The proposed designs were prepared according to the configurations provided by the City of Memphis. Existing roadway widths and existing signs were field verified by ABES. The proposed plans showed detection loop details for replacement of loops as well as existing and proposed video detection cameras. ABES provided quantities for the proposed items reflected in the plans (pavement markings, signs, and signal loop replacement items).

Replacement and Repair of 60,000 Linear Feet of Sidewalk in Memphis Uptown Area
ABES provided engineering services for the Sidewalk Replacement/Improvement Project. The scope of work included surveying the designated streets, determining areas where sidewalk replacement or new installation is needed, checking for ADA compliance at intersections and along the designated streets, and providing design for sidewalks, curb, and ADA compliant handicap ramps as required.